Additive manufacturing as part of the educational process
From February to May, the University of Žilina organize the course on additive manufacturing, which is covered by pedagogical and research staff (experts in the field of AM).
The course consists in introducing the different possibilities of manufacturing parts by additive manufacturing, in the next phase the course participants have the opportunity to learn how to work in Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Fusion 360 software and then create models that are intended for printing components, which will then be subjected to further analysis. All institutions are involved in this activity - students from the Secondary School in Dubnica nad Váhom regularly participate in the course, and colleagues from UiT provide us with support in the field of manufacturing metal parts using the additive manufacturing process. The aim of this activity is to contribute to new knowledge and practical skills, especially of young people in the field of green production technologies.
Published 31.3.2023