The project focuses on:
– to create a new cooperation in the field of education of green technologies in practice
– familiarization with topics: additive manufacturing, reverse engineering, virtual reality
– better employment of university and high school graduates in the labor market,
– to increase the professional and practical experience of students and graduates,
– the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience between the participating institutions,
– is intended for students at various levels of education - high school, bachelor’s, engineering, doctoral studies
– focuses on the creation of new study plans, implemented professional seminars
Development of modern engineering educational program
in the field of green intelligent manufacturing
Call for Proposals for Institutional cooperation between
Higher education institutions, Upper-secondary schools and private sector
Time of project implementation: September 2022 – April 2024

About the project

The project „Development of modern engineering educational program in the field of green intelligent manufacturing“ benefits from a € 199.647,95 grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 15%.
Project goal
The main aim is to create an educational network between the University of Žilina, UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the Secondary Industrial School in Dubnica nad Váhom, in order to improve the quality of educational programs in the field of mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electrical engineering, and reverse engineering by implementing innovative additive technologies in education. Cooperation within the project will strengthen the basic and complementary competencies of the partners in the field of additive production technology and increase their expertise in the field of modern teaching and pedagogical approaches (flexible education, combined courses, virtual and real mobility).
The Norway Grants
represent Norway’s contribution towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Through the Norway Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics.
Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area
(EEA). Together with the other donors, Norway has provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014.
Norway Grants are financed solely by Norway and are available in the countries that joined the
EU after 2003. For the period 2014-2021, the Norway Grants amount to €1.25 billion. The priorities for this period are:
#1 Innovation, Research, Education, Competitiveness and Decent Work
#2 Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction
#3 Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy
#4 Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights
#5 Justice and Home Affairs
#1 Innovation, Research, Education, Competitiveness and Decent Work
#2 Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction
#3 Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy
#4 Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights
#5 Justice and Home Affairs
All projects are co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 15%.
National websites
If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit