We have successfully started the Norwegian project BIN SGS02_2021_007!
As part of the opening conference of the BIN SGS02 project, we were able to welcome the special guests: our university rector prof. Čelko; vice-rector for international relations and marketing prof. Ristvej; Mr. Ambassador Associate professor Sokolík, who worked for many years as an ambassador in Norway; representatives from the Research agency Mrs. Kubaláková and Mrs. Kompišová; our project partners from Norway UiT The Arctic University of Norway and from Slovakia SPŠ Dubnica nad Váhom.
The opening conference consisted of a presentation of the project and individual project activities involved, as well as an excursion for students, professors, researchers and the general public with the aim of pointing out the benefits of additive manufacturing and virtual reality for the production process.
Our partners from Norway also had the opportunity to visit the traditional slovak village Čičmany, the Slovak Betlehem in Rajecká Lesna and Rajecké Teplice including SPA. We are looking forward to another following event.
Published 1.12.2022